Tailoring Your Message pays dividends and saves money.
Say things that interest the client. Or the voter. Don’t say the things that interest you.
Otherwise, you’re just making noise.
But how can you write targeted messages without knowing your audience? Talking to an 18-year-old about pensions is unlikely to strike a chord. Talk to a pensioner about your new BMX and you may well get a glazed look. However, talk to me about how to make the perfect margarita and you will get some instant attention.
If you miss out this important stage in crafting your message you will be operating in the dark in terms of message, content, words and medium. And you will waste loads of time and money. Plus you will lose elections and lose business, waste gallons of ink and be responsible for chopping down forests of trees for nothing. (Basically, you will be less successful, poorer and a bad person!)
If it is worth doing – do it properly! Good enough seldom is and all that…
Carefully crafted and well-targeted messages will always outplay busily spewed out standard messages. Mindless activity reassures temporarily. Professional messaging produces results.
Who wants randomly sprayed birdshot when you can have a sniper where every shot counts?
Need Help Tailoring Your Messages?
Get in touch for help on tailoring your next message to your audience: info@peterbotting.com.