Storytelling -Telling Stories is more than structure and words. Story telling is about how you make people feel.

Storytelling -Telling Stories is more than structure and words. Story telling is about how you make people feel.

Experts sometimes get it wrong.

Sometimes the storytellers and speechwriters busy crafting stories and writing speeches for business or politics forget the most important thing about good storytelling. They get too involved and excited about speech writing techniques and speech structures and the process of speech writing and storytelling.

“Isn’t that what a great story does? It makes you feel.”

Dustin Hoffman

People buy and vote emotionally and justify their ‘investment’, choices or purchases logically. A simple addition of facts that favour the required decision could win the argument. But the emotions, the feelings, behind a compelling narrative are far stronger. And when the facts underpin, and are translated into, a compelling story that is passionately and effectively delivered, you are on your way to winning.

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Peter Botting

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