New Year Resolutions. The process when we all lie to ourselves.
Making New Year Resolutions is when we all turn into politicians – making promises to ourselves that we firmly believe we will keep. Until the same time next year, or even in summer – or even earlier, when we realize that we haven’t come close. In which case, there is always next year! 🙂
Here is my take on some of the top New Year’s resolutions.
- Lose weight. My six pack has been in hiding since I was 18. Like everyone else in the UK, I want to lose weight. But as a superb friend told me recently “Everyone in the UK wants to lose weight! Get over yourself. Stay healthy, do more exercise, eat less and better – but don’t freak out about it!” Nothing to add really.
- Getting Organized. I am generally just happy I can find my desk. I need to know where the important stuff is and this year I need to bin stuff that clutter or confuse my head, my thinking, my work or my emotions. Keep it simple, Old Man!
- Spend More Time with Family. Hmmm. I spend 1-2 days every week with my aunt – which is cool. Will increase that or at least ensure that 1-2 becomes 2. On the other hand, like most people, I have some family I am quite happy to spend even less time with. Will work on that too. I have a bunch of amazing family and cousins – particularly in Ireland. Should definitely get over there more often this year to see them – seems I have only been there for funerals recently. Not good. I also need to spend more time with my friends in the UK and Germany!
- Spend Less, Save More. Well, that’s easily said. I guess what I am going to do is buy less but buy quality – whether it is food (see Lose weight!), clothes or stuff for the home or office. Oh, and I plan to work even harder for those who I like, who pay well and who pay punctually and work less for the rest.
- Enjoy Life. I plan on laughing much more, wearing suits far less often and getting out in the fresh air much more – far away from my multiple electronic bleeping, ringing things. They may all be Apple products but too much is too much.
- Getting/Staying Fit and Healthy. I have a plan. Which I have already started. Four or five days ago. An hour long walk with Buster every day. This may help my health – but it is GUARANTEED to rescue my sanity.
- Learn Something New, Fun and Exciting. This is a challenge. What to do? Apparently it takes 15 hours of practice to learn to ride a unicycle. Can I be asked? Should I learn another language? Or get a degree in something? I lived in Germany for a while. They have a great saying: – “As soon as you become a Master in something, you should become an Apprentice in something else.” I doubt I am a master of anything (apart from sleeping in) but it is a thought process that has merit. Do something new, visit new places, drive down roads you have’t seen before, take Buster for walks in new places.
- Fall in Love. Definitely NOT going anywhere near THERE on a public forum. Ever.
- Quit Smoking. Done that last year. With some help. Going to keep on quitting, or not smoking, every day. Non-Smoker. Smug.
- Help Others achieve Their Dreams. Well that is my day job. And I love it. Helping people tell their stories. Storytelling for business, politics or personal career development! Helping people get a new job or promotion or even getting their first job – mega! Or playing a role in winning political selections and elections. In 2012, my work even including playing a tiny role in helping a company buy a UK football club. I love what I do – and would do it even if I didn’t have a mortgage. But I do have a mortgage – so will continue loving what I do, a while longer! 😉