How to give powerful Powerpoint presentations – if you really really have to!

If you really really have to!

Almost all of my work is helping people and organisation tell their stories and differentiate themselves. Sometimes in interviews, pitches, campaigns or presentations.

Presentations can be the most challenging – not least because of Powerpoint. Everybody knows it. Everybody thinks they can use it. It is the expected format. It is the safe format. Usually it is the lousy format. Often it is the expected lousy format – that happens to be safe because no-one expects it to be anything else. Which means the lousiness of your presentation won’t stand out. So you will be safe in a crowd of lousiness.

Which is hardly the point.

If you have to give a presentation using Powerpoint – it had better be to educate rather than to persuade. Please see what I mean here. 

And if you really still want to use Powerpoint, follow the 5 rules set out here by Nancy Duarte.

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Peter Botting

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