Conservative Party Conference – Osborne and IDS

George Osborne – His tough but fair speech

Osborne’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference was an expected one. He kept the rhetoric of not changing course, keeping to the current economic plan and letting the Conservatives finish their plan. In true Osborne fashion he did not try to rattle the cage or scaremonger. He lay out his policies for all to see. Osborne seems to believe in the power of speaking to the electorate as equals and grown ups,  promising them recovery but after some continued medication aka further cuts. He sounds sensible and matter of fact. The way somebody managing a tough situation and delivering tough news should.

Iain Duncan Smith – On his soapbox

Iain Duncan Smith has been historically underestimated as a public speaker. When leader he was considered too quite, not loud or strong enough to do well. IDS finished his speech at the Conservative Party Conference with by walking around from the lectern and faced the audience. He left the safety of the podium and his notes behind and made a more heart-felt speech. He talked about his love of his country and the importance of the election. He spoke with a true sense of a man who felt that he needed to finish the job – not somebody who wants to be party leader or who doesn’t want to lose his job, but somebody who truly believes he is making a positive difference to the world.

What I like about these two politicians is that they both 100% believe in what they say and what their jobs should be. They have defined outcomes. Others may write some of their words – but they believe in each syllable.  There is no gap between what they say and what they believe. That is when politicians are at their most driven and most effective.

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Peter Botting
London-based Peter Botting is a top globally-operating executive coach for CEOs and senior leaders. He has thirty plus years' experience in public speaking coaching and storytelling coaching in the UK, USA and EMEA, working with over 8,500 speakers, companies like IBM and Accenture, and almost 200 Members of Parliament.

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