Public Speaking: The Easiest Way to Own the Stage

An Example of How to Own the Stage!

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This is a phenomenal lesson on how to own the stage.

Fear and nervousness are felt by an audience. Confidence, belief and competence equally so!

If you believe, in all honesty, that your product or service is good for your client – you are on the way to owning the stage. A corporate client (a boutique consultancy – 10 staff) retained me to coach a new team member who had come from a FTSE 100 company.

The consultancy thought she was very poor at presenting. Very soon it became apparent to me that she was actually very good at presenting – but she didn’t BELIEVE in the company and its products and services. The company didn’t need me – they needed to spend some time showing her and other new staff real case studies of how their work had significantly helped other clients and was great value for money to boot!

The consultancy acted on my advice and just two weeks later she had become an integral and persuasive member of a pitch team.

Do you believe in what you’re saying?

Like, really? Deep down in your gut?

Because that’s what will come out when you speak in public.

If you don’t believe in what you’re about to say, why should your audience?

Own the stage like this guy

The same goes for confidence in general, take a look at this oldie-but-goodie, contestant from the X-Factor.

He didn’t believe in himself, his ability to own the stage and sing his heart out…until he dug deeper and found his confidence and self-belief.

Presentation Coaching

Reckon you really do need some presenting help?

If you do, give me an email, I’d love to see how I could help you own the stage:

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Peter Botting

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