– I think a lot of the negative campaigning comes from some old tactics in the States, which was to undermine the credibility of the speaker. Sometimes in the U.K., it’s, the focus in the recent, in the last 10 years has been our guy is or our team is less shit than the other team. I don’t see that as very compelling because in this country, you don’t have to vote, and if you’re selling stuff, you don’t have to buy it. So my pair of jeans is less shit than his pair of jeans isn’t a great , isn’t a great marketing method because you don’t have compulsory clients. People aren’t compelled to buy things. So I think the positive method is much stronger, much more forceful. Negative campaigning has its place or opposition research if you’re talking about somebody’s hypocrisy or inconsistency, in your opposition’s inconsistency or hypocrisy, but mainly you should be focusing on what your manifesto is either for your company or for your country.