4 Questions all public speakers must answer before opening their mouths

4 Questions all public speakers must answer before opening their mouths

There’s nothing a wannabe politician likes more than hearing the sound of their own voice, throwing around cliches and talking about ‘giving back’. Same goes for bad sales reps, showering an unqualified prospect in a pitch with long lists of irrelevant (to them) product features. ...and then there are bad public speakers. So, if you really want to get your point across, to get your voice heard and encourage your audience to vote for you, buy something or take action - take a look at these questions.

4 Questions all public speakers, sales reps and politicians should answer before opening their mouths

The minute you open your mouth, or take to the stage, or knock on that door - your audience is internally asking these questions about you.
  1. Why are you bothering me right now?
  2. Who are you and why should I listen to you?
  3. What problem are you solving for me?
  4. Why do I need to act now vs. later?
Speaker coaching with me :)
Fail to give a thorough reason ‘why’ to any of these questions and you’re likely to lose them. As a storytelling and speaker coach, I can coach you to give compelling answers to all of these questions. Helping you develop a story which sells you, your background and your product in a way which entertains and informs your audience. Take a look at my speaker coaching and storytelling service pages. If you’d like to ask me anything, just email: peter@peterbotting.co.uk

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