The best speech I ever gave in my life

one figurine person stands against a crowd

I love hearing from clients, especially when they’ve followed my advice, put in the work – and reaped their deserved reward.

This was a message from a client who founded a charity, I was able to work with her to change how she spoke, and what she spoke about – with positive results.


I don’t know why I listened to you but I cancelled my meetings, took a nap, got on the treadmill and did the power pose. And it was the best speech I ever gave in my life.

Everything worked. I’m the expert at being me, talk to them like you’re in a bar. Make them laugh and cry.

Respite, grief and bereavement care and normalcy.

I was so effective I was asked to address the BOD of *****, one of our largest communications providers like *****.

One more to go today! I want to thank you so much for teaching me to deliver knock out speeches with confidence and authenticity.

You are so awesome.

I’ll circle back before the gala to refine the pitch and get some new stories! Everyone came up to me and said it was an incredible speech. Freddy said I knocked it out of the park. No video unfortunately but will try today.

Board of Directors at **** – we have been getting funding from them but this year we didn’t get it.

Boy are they sorry! That’s why they want me to present to their board. It’s a huge public company. All about supporting mental health.

I’ll let you know how today goes. I’m ready.

Thanks again,


Do you want to change the way you speak about yourself or your charity? Do you want to have the skills and confidence to proudly stand up and sell yourself? Head to my storytelling for nonprofits page for more info.

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Peter Botting

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