Gavin Grobler

Apart from Peter’s vast array of skills in so many diverse areas, his inherent traits are what uniquely differentiate Peter. Outside of his aptitude and expertise, Peter’s integrity, honesty, above-reproach character, and above all, charm and charisma are traits that characterise Peter and place him well above his peers. I am thankful for Peter’s friendship over the years, and even being on another continent, Peter continues to add value to my personal and work success. Peter has left an indelible mark on my life and anyone who has the pleasure of working with Peter, or befriending him, will very soon fall into the category of admirers who feel the impact of his persona in their immediate gains and successes. His astute and uncanny abilities to assess each person’s unique situation, plan, strategise, and action, will leave you confidently emboldened and ready for any challenge.

Gavin Grobler

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