Moderate language and behaviour

Moderate language and behaviour – acting human

Most people are turned off by blind, unthinking, tribal political loyalty and resultant school yard behaviour. They don’t consciously see the difference between negative personal attacks and or more general negative campaigning

Most people are not blindly politically loyal. Most people are too busy trying to get from day to day, from week to week and from paycheck to paycheck. Most people worry about their families, their jobs, their homes, their holidays and of course their safety, security and future. Most politicians make a pretty bad show of demonstrating that they care about any of these things or the people that they want to vote for them. Even standard canvassing is all about the politician – “Can I count on your support at the next election?” Bloody hell – ask they how they are first before you ask for their support!

Politics and politicians only really register on their radar if they are perceived as being able to help (seldom) or as getting in their way (mainly) or being only in it for themselves. “What’s in it for me?” is a valid thought process from the public.

Politicians can very easily be seen as a a welcome breath of fresh air by simply focusing on what’s good for their constituents and saving the squabbles and the petty. Is that so hard? Is it necessary for me to use the title ‘acting normal’ – can’y our politicians be normal?

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Peter Botting

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