How to improve your speech in five minutes – speechwriting tips

How to improve your speech in five minutes

First written for City AM

What happens if you are asked to give a speech at short notice?

For those put on the spot at short notice and those too lazy to prepare.

Decide, and then stick to, what you are trying to achieve. Do you want to inform or persuade? What must you achieve with your speech? What defines success? What is/are the Key Performance Indicator(s) you have to hit? You are not there to fill time with noise – You are there to achieve a result.

If persuasion is your goal, compare the unwanted current with the desired future and use “we” and “will”. Paint the future picture. If transfer of information is your goal use the “tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you are going to tell them” maxim. If it isn’t, don’t!

Use fresh language and examples. Avoid tired metaphors. If you have heard the metaphor before – don’t use it. Use language you would in a 1-2-1. Use short sentences and words – the basic rule is to use language your audience can readily understand. Max 15 words per sentence and 2 syllables per word. Narrow your message to 3 things. The audience wonʼt remember any more anyway. Headline your themes. Then unpack them individually. Identify and repeatedly use the words that summarise your message.

Never speak for more than 20 minutes – 10 is better. 3 – 5 even better. De-fluff the speech. If a word isn’t working and actively adding to your message – bin it! Don’t fall in love with the words – fall in love with your message. If sentences or words are there for any other reason – bin them. If words or sentences aren’t working towards the results you need from the speech – bin them.

Spread your legs. Stand wide and strong. Breathe slowly from your belly. Speak slowly – It is almost impossible to speak too slowly!!. Stand up straight and smile at the audience or the camera’s lens. Get your blood moving before the speech – 20 minutes walking or a few press ups. Drink water – still not fizzy.

Identify the top 5 most likely questions and note the 3 possible ingredients to each answer.


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Peter Botting

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