How to Become Partner in a Law Firm

Become Partner in a law firm

Career Coaching for Lawyers who want to become Partner in a Law Firm

Over the last 15 years, I have helped lawyers progress in their legal careers both by becoming a Partner in a law firm or private practice and within large organisations. There are few sectors where life can change so dramatically with just one promotion and one interview process.

Partner in a Law Firm: The Business Case

A senior associate or associate multiplies their earning by becoming a Partner in a law firm. Becoming Partner is a financially life-changing event. Wannabe partners invest long work hours, 6 or 7 day weeks and years trying to “make Partner”. Is it all worthwhile?

One client told me how he and his wife discussed at length whether he should hire me to help him prepare for the process. They decided the ROI was more than worth it. He hired me and did receive THAT phone call. He is now a successful Magic Circle Partner, they are both very happy and the coaching fee is long forgotten.

Magic Circle Partner – A Happy Client

I am so sorry, I didn’t email you – and my wife told me to do it on Saturday.

After the vote last Saturday morning, I got a call from the Managing Partner on Saturday afternoon inviting me to join the partnership! Which of course I accepted!

It was an incredible feeling, with a flood of relief and excitement.

It has been a fantastic few days – tomorrow is officially my first day as a partner.

My wife and I both discussed on Saturday after we had the news how pleased we are that I spent a day with you and how I needed it to feel in control of the process. I met the partners who interviewed me for a drink yesterday and they said how strong my interview had been. I also wanted to say that the training has helped me enormously in other areas of the job as well.

I am sorry again for the delay in sharing the news – it has been a hectic few days.

If you ever find yourself in the city – let me know, it would be great to catch up.

And I also will be passing your name on to next years candidates….

The Partner Interview Process

The percentage of lawyers who become Partners in their law firm ranges from firm to firm. But while the rewards are high, as you will see from this article, not everyone makes it to Partner.

Annual reviews are incredibly robust and the focus is constantly on proving that you are worthy of becoming a co-owner of the business. For every associate promoted to Partner, many others end in career cul-de-sacs or leave the firm or even the industry. All of the investment of time, family sacrifices and sheer effort are a big bet.

Path to Partner Coaching for lawyers helps improve the odds of that bet and helps lawyers beat their colleagues and competitors and succeed the incredibly competitive Partner Interview Process. During the process, the sponsor and the lawyer have to put forward the business case for the applicant Partner.

Finder, Minder, Grinder: The Secret To Making Partner

A wisdom amongst lawyers is Finder, Minder, Grinder: Finders bring in the business – they are the business development specialists. Minders retain the business – they are the key account managers, the friendly interface with the client. The Grinders do the day to day work.

The narrative is that you need to be really good at two of these to become a Partner. The reality is that to be even noticed as a Grinder your work has to be significantly and noticeably better than anyone else’s to count. Finder and Minder is where the magic usually sits.

The Path to Partner is similar in a Professional Services Firm

The process to become a Partner in a law firm is similar to the process to become a Partner in any major Professional Services – in other words, in accounting, consultancy or law -is essentially the same. The rewards of becoming a highly ranked or senior Partner are life-changing.

Becoming a Partner is not the only option for Lawyers

My clients include associates and senior associates who are now Partners at the law firm where they have started or at other firms. Other clients have become General Counsel in either the private sector or in public bodies and I have also worked on storytelling with two KCs. Other clients have gone into politics or run businesses. A law degree is a great start with many career options.

Personal Development in Law: Swimming with Sharks

My coaching career was interrupted when I ran a group of companies in Europe for three years. One of the companies was in the building and construction sector. The company was in major trouble when I was tasked with keeping it alive and then turning it around. There was litigation and threats of litigation coming at me like a meteor storm in my first 12 months. There was a special set of building and construction laws that applied to this sector.

This was the only business in the group in the construction industry, so there was no relevant in-house legal expertise. I had studied law at university, but because I had inherited so many legal disputes, I decided as Chief Exec to attend regular seminars delivered by a dry-witted law professor who specialised in BauRecht.

All of my classmates were owner-operators or managers with extensive industry knowledge. I was the only industry-ignorant participant when I started. I also had to run this company in German, and there were several other “challenges”, including a mafia boss and a pistol. That’s another story altogether!

All of us had our own views on the legal profession, which made us laugh when we found out what the law professor thought about our industry. He dryly announced during the first seminar that he had thought of writing a book on the construction industry based on his personal experience of builders and that he intended to name his book “Swimming with Sharks.” Ironic considering he was a Professor of Law. Many on the course laughed out loud, amused and self-aware, but not disputing the joke.

Who becomes Partner in a Law Firm?

Successful lawyers are deeply competitive when it comes to attracting and retaining customers. They have to be – the rewards are enormous. So are the risks of losing customers or failing to bring in new business. Partners are lawyers who are incredibly hardworking, highly competitive, and skilled at proving they are of value to the Partnership.

Career and Interview Coaching for Lawyers

As a storytelling coach, I offer intensive storytelling, career and interview preparation sessions for lawyers who want to become Partners and who are getting ready for the Partner Interview Process, as well as ongoing “Path to Partner” personal development courses. We analyse and work on your last annual review and help you turnaround, or upgrade, your career.

Do you want to upgrade your career and transform your finances? Do you want to improve your chances of becoming a Partner in your law firm or professional services firm?

I can help you make all the time and hard slog you have invested worth it. Reserve your 1-2-1 intensive interview coaching or ask about my ongoing personal development courses.

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Peter Botting
London-based Peter Botting is a top globally-operating executive coach for CEOs and senior leaders. He has thirty plus years' experience in public speaking coaching and storytelling coaching in the UK, USA and EMEA, working with over 8,500 speakers, companies like IBM and Accenture, and almost 200 Members of Parliament.

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