DARCK+©️ – The Focused Storytelling Tool
DARCK+©️ – The Vivid and Persuasive Storytelling Toolkit
Storytelling is key to getting what we want in life.
Storytelling in Business
Are you in business? Storytelling doesn’t belong in marketing – it belongs on the boss’s desk.*
CEOs and business leaders face significant storytelling challenges, including managing and leading a company, making and communicating strategic business decisions, dealing with a competitive market, managing financial resources, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. They must also motivate and support their employees, build and maintain relationships with customers and partners, and adapt to changing market conditions and technology. CEOs are often under pressure to meet financial goals and shareholder expectations. The ability to tell compelling stories is key to all of these activities.
Storytelling to get your Promotion or your Dream Job
Are you thinking of changing your career? Or starting your career?
Storytelling is important at every stage in your career too. It doesn’t matter whether you are a fresh-faced graduate or a seasoned executive, your ability to tell your story well will determine your success when interviewing for your next promotion or job.
Storytelling is as old as tribes huddled around campfires. It joins up the dots and makes sense of random information. It turns data into information. It is compelling and memorable. We are hardwired to tell and absorb stories. But we are out of practice and often not very good at it.
Many people put their faith and careers in the primitive STAR system that their parents or grandparents used. I used to use it for my clients, but I was dissatisfied with its lack of focus, so I developed DARCK+©️ to help my clients stand out and win interviews. Which they do. DARCK+©️ is based on my proven Squares, Circles and Stripes©️method
DARCK+©️ is a story bank identification, articulation and focusing tool that helps my clients harness and tell vivid and compelling stories that help their careers and organisations succeed.
In which situation are you? How can I help you get what you want? Click here to find some of the ways I can help you. https://peterbotting.co.uk/coaching-services/
*Storytelling does belong in marketing. And on the boss’s desk. But it should not be limited to marketing and the CEO.