Avoiding Amnesia

Herman Cain’s Libya gaffe and Rick Perry’s temporay amnesia are great comedy but excruciating for the candidates and their managers. And hugely damaging for their careers and presidential chances. All campaigns are exhausting, none more so than US Presidential and Nomination campaigns, but the same lessons apply to this type of high-octane campaign.

  • Have a plan B set of notes in large enough print to read without glasses to hand.
  • Do your homework. Know your stuff. Know what you believe.
  • Delegate the speechwriting. But not the content!
  • Take a few minutes before you go live to remind yourself of the key points you want to make.
  • Talk to make points, not to create noise or fill up blocks of time.
  • Get enough sleep and exercise and water – avoid heavy nights out, distractions and fatigue.
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Peter Botting

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