What should a speaker coach bring to the table?

Well, that Gladwell book said that once you’ve done something for 10,000 hours, you’re kind of good at it. Well, I’ve been doing this for 26,000 hours over a 25 year period. What’s really interesting, particularly at TEDMED, but also with my other clients is you don’t know what’s walking in the room to meet you. You don’t know what their personal baggage is, you know what their emotional baggage is. You don’t know what’s happened in their life that day, and because I’ve been doing it for a long time, and I’ve got an armoury of tools, and I’m not a cookie cutter speaker coach like some who start every coaching session with, “Are you an introvert or an extrovert,” or, “Do you have any experience speaking on the stage,” or these bland bullshit terms, which are just proof that they are cookie cutter speaker coaches. I really don’t know what’s walking into the room, but over the years, as you do, I’ve picked up loads and loads of tools, and I’ve also got some real life experience from running my own business and speaking on stage myself, and you don’t know which tool you’re going to use that day. You wait until what’s coming into the room, and then you bring that out.

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