Most Interesting Clients

I’ve worked with some… If you were thinking of high-flying people, I’ve worked with two Olympians. I’ve worked with a chap who’s got multiple gold medals for the UK. I’ve worked for two Queen’s Counsel. I’ve worked for hundred plus members of the British Parliament and 300 odd people who are TedMed and Ted speakers.

But a lot of people who speak on the TEDMED stage have never spoken before, and they’re nervous. They’re incredibly nervous. They’re brave, because they have something worth telling. They have a story to tell. It’s important and serious and means something to them and has an impact on the wider health community; otherwise, TedMed wouldn’t allow them on the stage. But they’re nervous. So that’s the thing that gives me the biggest buzz is speaking with people like that and helping them marshal their fears. You don’t conquer your fears, but marshal your fears, get on stage, deliver that message. And it’s life changing for them, because they often have never thought that they could do such thing.

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